Ariel Sharon’s Legacy

Ariel Sharon was born on 26 February 1928 and died on 11 January 2014 at the age of 85. He was in a coma for eight years after a massive stroke in 2006. He was also known as the Bulldozer, aptly describing his individualistic personality as a no-nonsense person who often went against the popular view.

For much of Israel’s history, Ariel Sharon held positions of leadership and influence. In Israel’s War of Independence in 1948, Sharon distinguished himself on the battlefield, rising to become one of Israel’s most highly regarded generals. Many regarded his bold moves in the Yom Kippur War of 1973 as controversial, but nobody doubted his military genius and courage.

 Although the media reported different versions of the Lebanon War of 1982, the fact is that Sharon led the offensive to protect the Christian minority suffering persecution at the hands of militant groups. The trigger for the offensive was the persistent rocket attacks from Palestinian groups in Lebanon. Unfortunately and unjustly, Sharon’s name was heavily tarnished when Israel was eventually mired in guerrilla warfare in Lebanon for years.  

Although regarded as a hero by most Israeli’s during his term as Prime Minister of Israel and his long service of distinction in the Israeli military, he also did the unthinkable – the withdrawal of Jews and the demolishing of Jewish settlements in Gaza and parts of the West Bank.  His disengagement policy turned him into a hated figure among Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews.

The irony is that Sharon believed and actively pursued the premises of the San Remo declaration of 1922, in which Israel was given the right to settle the land in the Biblical Judea and Samaria or the so-called West Bank as many know it today. The San Remo declaration is the forerunner of the United Nations.

Whatever people think of Ariel Sharon, his dedication to defend Israel cannot be disputed. Although some sectors of the community regarded his disengagement policy as treason, we could also derive from his controversial tactics a deep seated longing for peace for his people. The heart-wrenched scenes of withdrawal from Gaza – feelings of despair, anger of the people and the demolishing of homes and synagogues certainly had an impact on Ariel Sharon who loved his people so much.

Whatever the rationale Ariel Sharon had, the lesson Israel’s leaders and we could learn is that God will not allow the division of His Land. No matter what the United Nations or the United States opinion is. The only opinion that matters is God’s opinion.

Click on the link below to watch this very interesting video: