Jerusalem before Anything Else!

The following article was published in the Palestinian newspaper, Al-Ayyam on 18 October 2014:

“What is happening in Jerusalem these days, in al-Aksa Mosque, must be given priority over any other issue. Jerusalem, which for generations kept a strong Muslim and Arab identity, is falling under the pressure of its Judaization, occupation and annexation.

Current events in Jerusalem are completely different from that of previous years of the occupation. Today, the government – which promotes occupation under the banner of “greater Israel” – is not only controlling us by military force, but also legitimizing the seizure of our lands via all possible means. It is defying and deceiving the entire world, and getting away without punishment. It portrays the occupied as the occupier, and the defender as the aggressor. It is taking advantage of the so-called moderate Arab support of its policies and the significant US aid to promote its agenda. What is happening in Jerusalem today is a war against history.

It would be a grave mistake to talk about any prospect of our future homeland without talking about Jerusalem first – as the capital of our nation that we seek to liberate from occupation. It is time to make Jerusalem the first topic of every conversation we have – at the UN, in negotiations, with international allies and with our Arab brothers. We know that the women and children resisting the Israeli war machine in Jerusalem with stones and steadfastness will prove that Jerusalem is ours, no matter what they say or do.”

Zec 12:3  And it will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a stone of great weight for all the peoples; all those who take it up will be badly wounded; and all the nations of the earth will come together against it.

We already see Jerusalem featuring more and more in the world media and the nations starting to pick up the heavy stone as the bible described Jerusalem in the last days.

Our obligation is to keep on praying for the peace of Jerusalem.