

creating awareness • shifting paradigms • shaping destinies • transforming communities

Join the Summercamp in Seelisberg, Switzerland [Read more…]

Divine Design of Mankind

Gerrit Nel had a passion for the deeper meaning and mystery of the Tabernacle of Moses, which was but a shadow of how God wants to dwell with us today. Together with his wife, Martie, they travelled the world teaching people how our Father in heaven has a yearning to have an intimate relationship with every one of us. Read more…

The Torah Portion of the Week.

Missed a week or want to watch another teaching, visit KolKallah.com


The Apostolic Writing of the Week.

Missed a week or want to watch another teaching, visit KolKallah.com

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  • Wed

    Online Bible School with Tiaan Nel

    20h00 SA time

    Theme: Love

    Zoom ID: 188 224 799

    Zoom Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/188224799

  • Sun

    Yeshua & Pesach with Tiaan Nel

    20h00 SA time

    "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29

    What were the thoughts of our Messiah King, Yeshua, on Passover and how did He fulfill this Biblical festival of יהוה?

    Zoom ID: 188 224 799

    Zoom Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/188224799

  • Wed

    Hebrew People brings SOLU to South Africa!

    18:30 SA Time

    Anna Beulah, C/O Visserhok and Contermanskloof, Durbanville, Cape Town

    Book your tickets NOW! Please visit www.solu.co.za