Shame – Take Courage!

In Matthew 14:22-36 we read how Yeshua’s disciples were on the sea and how the boat was tossed and battered by the waves because of the wind that was against them. Yeshua went to them walking on the sea and the disciples saw him walking on the sea and they were terrified and said “It is a ghost! and they cried out in fear.

But immediately Yeshua spoke unto them saying “Take courage, it is I! Do not be afraid!”

So many times in our lives we face situations that “speak” to us! What is the first thing we do?… We fear… instead of having faith… May we take courage in our situation not to fear but have faith!

Well, Peter took a bold step of faith just after crying out in fear and he said to Yeshua “…if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.”

Yeshua said to Peter “COME!” and Peter got out of the boat and he walked on the water and came toward Yeshua.

But when he saw the wind he was frightened and began to sink and he cried to Yeshua “SAVE ME”.

The moment when Peter looked at the circumstances, he feared… How many times in our lives do we step out in faith, but the moment when we have challenges, we want to fear… Doubt wants to fill our hearts. Take courage, do not be afraid.  Let us learn from this not to look at our circumstances but to look at the One who gave us the Word to “COME”.

In Verse 31 we read, “Immediately Yeshua extended His hand and caught him saying to him: O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

I want to encourage you today to stand in faith on the promises of the Word of God that He has given you, renew your mind with His Word, His promises, fill your mind with the Word and see how HE WANTS to do a MIRACLE for you!!! Do not doubt HIS WORD.

How did Peter get back to the boat? Yeshua extended His hand to Peter and I believe he walked back to the boat.

Yeshua wants to take your hand today in the midst of your storm. He is extending His hand to YOU… reach out and “take” HIS HAND.

When they came into the boat the wind ceased. He wants to give us HIS PEACE in every situation.

Then those in the boat worshiped Him saying, “Truly,You are the Son of God.”

Let us worship Him for who He is and let us run this race of faith with our eyes fixed on Yeshua; the Author and Finisher of our faith. May we all learn how to trust and believe in Him, to know that He will do what He has promised.

Martie  Nel – Jerusalem