Gen 6
God calls Noah to build an ark. He gives him very specific instructions on how to build the ark
V17 And behold I Myself am bringing floodwaters on the earth
V22 Then Noah did according to all that God commanded

Gen 7
The Lord calls Noah, his family the animals and birds into the ark. After seven days I will cause it to rain 40 days and 40 nights
V5 And Noah did according to all that God commanded
V10 And it came to pass after 7 days that the waters of the flood were on the earth.
All the fountains of the great deep were broken up and the windows of heaven were opened

Ex 25
God says to Moses to bring Him an offering from everyone who will give willingly with his heart and then to make Him a sanctuary – THAT I MAY DWELL AMONG THEM.

Ex40:17 Moses did according to all the Lord had commanded him so he did. On the first day of the month the Tabernacle was raised up
V33 So Moses finished the work
V34 Then the cloud covered the tabernacle of meeting and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.

Neither Noah or Moses could have caused the rain or filled the tabernacle with God’s glory. Such great works were out of their hands. But what they could do was be obedient and complete the work of the Lord that they were instructed to do. In the completing of God’s assignment to them, God brought forth and fulfilled His word.

Nobody has the power to break open heavens or bring down a cloud of Glory, but what we can do is to be obedient to what the Father is instructing us to do. He only desires obedience and faithfulness to complete His assignment for you, despite ridicule from others (Noah) or obstacles of Golden Calves (Moses). Our focus should remain on His word and instructions. When we obey and complete His instruction the miracle is up to Him and according to His own timing.

ACCORDING TO HIS OWN TIMING – that of course is the most important part of it. God knows exactly when to do the miracle and although we might think that the time is right He knows the bigger picture.

But the reward is the same, whether you see the miracle or only play a part in the road towards the miracle – as believers we form apart of a bigger picture and we need to realise that when we obey then we bring forth His will on this earth.

God instructed them exactly what they should do. He guided them toward the fulfilment of His word so that He could bring His miracles.

I pray that God will guide each one of us and speak with us to complete His plans so that He can fulfill His word.
By Chanelle Nel