After Gerrit passed away I was challenged with the thought of will I continue living in Israel or will I return to South Africa. When I prayed about this, the Father gave me a specific word – “Martie will live in Jerusalem and she will eat from the King’s table”. As all of you know then the lockdown came and again I was challenged with what to do – no groups, no friends from the nations at Beit Chai and we still have to pay the rent of Beit Chai!!  

On the 3rd of May I wrote an email to the attorney that does the rental contract of Beit Chai to make an appointment with him to end the contract of Beit Chai. Due to Covid-19 he could not see me at his office and said he will let me know when I can come. On 14 May the evening the Father spoke to me and said that we have to keep Beit Chai and not to let go of it. The Father still has a plan with Beit Chai, and we have to trust Him. I felt that, as the Father had tested the heart of Abraham in this way too, He was testing my heart, to see if I would be obedient and sacrifice Beit Chai.  

The Father gave me the Scripture where Elijah came to the widow asking what she had, and she said only “a little oil” and you all know the rest of what happened. The widow had to borrow vessels and she went into her inner chamber, closed the door and poured the oil into the empty vessels. Another Scripture (1 Kings 17) that He gave me was where Elijah also came to the widow, asking for water, and as she went to fetch the water, Elijah asked for bread as well. The widow answered, “I have a handful of flour and a little oil”, and Elijah said to her “The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry”.  

By faith we as a team are standing with Martie that the Father will provide for Beit Chai as He has promised and that we once again will have the honour to host you at Beit Chai in Jerusalem.   

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers and also standing with us in faith.  

May Abba bless you abundantly and we are looking forward to have you with us AT BEIT CHAI!