What a year this has been!

2020 Was certainly a year that each of us will remember for various reasons – some of us might like to forget that 2020 ever happened, however, one thing remains true – the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is very much alive and in control of everything.  What a blessing to know that because He lives – we can face tomorrow.

Another thing remains true, and that is the purpose and vision of Chai Tourism.  Our heart is to bring people with a desire to visit Israel to the land and accommodate them in a home away from home, Beit Chai, where we eagerly await and receive guests from all over the world.

Do you have a desire to visit Israel, or have you had such a desire for many years, but finances have stood in the way?  If our Father has put such a desire in your heart, and you have faith that you will visit Israel, we want to encourage you to open a “faith envelope”.  Sow a seed in the envelope and start proclaiming that “I am going to Israel”, and watch how He makes “all things possible”, according to your faith!

We are busy finalising a few tours for 2021 and are currently waiting on the airlines to confirm our requested dates for these tours.

We would also like to invite you, should you have any questions about tours to write to Tertia Paterson at registration@chaitourism.com – she will be more than willing to answer your questions.

Should you have a desire to bring your own group to Israel, please visit our website www.chaitourism.com and register your proposed tour to start the process, and Tertia will soon be in contact with you.

May the Father bless you abundantly in all your comings and goings and may He prepare the way for you.